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- GCE Bargur is one of the top engineering institutions in Tamil Nadu, featuring consistently in top ranking, year after year in the Anna University Examinations.
- GCE Bargur is one of the most sought after colleges amongst the top ranked students.
- Established in the year 1994, by Government of Tamil Nadu, providing very good learning and research environment.
- GCEB has a proud tradition of maintaining the highest standards of education with the strong emphasis on curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
- Rated as one of the better performing TEQIP institutions in India.
- Rated as one of the top 50 (achieved AA grade) institutions out of 1000+ institutions participated in the NPTEL online examinations conducted by the IITs and IISc.
- Students have participated both state level and national competitions and won accolades for the performance.
The courses offered:
Under graduate courses with student strength
- Computer Science and Engineering - 60
- Electronics and Communication Engineering - 60
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering - 60
- Mechanical Engineering - 60
Post graduate courses with student strength
- Computer Science and Engineering - 18
- Power Electronics and Drives - 18
- Applied Electronics - 18