Government College of Engineering, Bargur has a well established Alumni Association since 1998. Every passing out student is enrolled as a life member of Alumni Association and Association is actively contributing towards the welfare of GCEB Student fraternity. Alumni Meet and the Office Bearers meet have been conducted regularly. The following is the list of Office bearers for the Alumni Association since 2019.
Patron | : | Dr.R.Vijayan, Principal, GCE Bargur. |
President | : |
Mr. R.M.Imayavaramban, (1999 Batch) Application Manager, Semiconductor Division, Toshiba India Pvt Ltd, Chennai. |
Secretary | : |
Dr.J.Raju, (1998 Batch) Associate Professor, Energy and Power Electronics Department, VIT, Vellore. |
Treasurer | : |
Prof. R.Subathra, (2009 Batch) Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, GCE, Bargur. |
Executive Members | : |
Senior Engineer, BHEL. |
TECH Leader, HCL. |
Institute Trainee, IITM. |
Test Engineer, Infosys Ltd. |
Alumni Association In-charges:
- Prof. R.Subathra, AP/CSE, GCEB
- Prof. M.Anbarasu, AP/MECH, GCEB
Mail: alumni@gcebargur.ac.in
Bore dug by Alumni yielding 20,000 litres per day.