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M.E., Ph.D.


Associate Professor (CAS)


Contact No



Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Teaching Experience

18 Years

Publications - International

  • V.Adhimoorthy and I.A.Chidambaram, “Two-Layered Fuzzy Logic Based Frequency Modulation Controller for a Two-Area Thermal Reheat Power System Interconnected with an AC/DC Hybrid Transmission System” International Journal of Computer Science & Emerging Tec
  • V.Adhimoorthy and I.A.Chidambaram, “Two-Layered Fuzzy Logic based Load-Frequency Controller for a Two-Area Interconnected Power System with Super Capacitor Energy Storage Units” International Review on Modelling and Simulations, Vol.5, No.6, pp. 2554-2564
  • V.Adhimoorthy and I.A.Chidambaram, “Two-Layer Fuzzy Logic based Load-Frequency Controller for a Two-Area Interconnected Power System Considering Nonlinearities with Super Capacitor Energy Storage Units” International Journal of Engineering Research and De
  • V.Adhimoorthy and I.A.Chidambaram “ Dual Mode Two-Layer Fuzzy Logic based Load-Frequency Controller for a Two-Area Interconnected Power System with Super Capacitor Energy Storage Units” International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol.65, No.17, pp. 1
  • V.Adhimoorthy and I.A.Chidambaram “Dual Mode Two-Layer Fuzzy Logic based Load-Frequency Controller for a Two-Area Interconnected Power System with Super Capacitor Energy Storage Units using control performance standards criterion”, International Journal o
  • V.Adhimoorthy and I.A.Chidambaram “Control Performance Standards Criteria based Load Frequency Control using Dual Mode Two Layer Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Interconnected Power System with Super Capacitor unit considering Nonlinearities”, International
  • V.Adhimoorthy, “Dual Mode Two Layer Fuzzy Logic Controller for load frequency control in a Restructured Power System with Super Capacitor Energy Storage units”, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Volume 2, Issue 3 (I) : 2015, pp. 12
  • V.Adhimoorthy, “An effective intelligent controller for load frequency control in restructured power system”, Journal of Applied science and computations, Volume 6, Issue 3: 2019, pp. 1350-1367, ISSN 1076 – 5131

PAPER PRESENTED - International

  • V.pandiyan, Dr.V.Adhimoorthy,Dr.Nishat kanvel “Speed control of bridge convertor fed BLDC motor using an efficient intelligent control”, international conference on emerging trends in engineering science and technology, Volume 40, Issue 74: March 2020, pp

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • AICTE-ISTE Approved Two Weeks Training Programme on Cyber Security conducted by Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, Facuty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, from 19th Nov to 12th Dec 2018
  • AICTE Approved 2 Weeks Staff Development Programme “Advanced Machines for Electric Propulsion Systems” Arunai Engineering college Thiruvannamalai, from 16.11.2009 to 29. 11.2009.
  • NIT Sponsored Short-term Courseon “Application of Biologically Inspired algorithms for power system and power electronics Engineering”at NIT Tiruchirappalli on 28.07.2012
  • AICTE-ISTE Approved RAACTS Sponsored one Week Technical Workshop on “ Design of PCB and Product development conducted by Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ,at EGS Pillay Engineering college Nagapattinam from 23.05.2016 to 29.05 201
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored Twinning Programme On “Electrical Laboratory Experiments for Students of BBEC kokrajahar, Assam” organized by Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 25th Jan to 05th Feb 2019.
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored One week Faculty Development Programme On “Recent Developments in Energy Storage Technology ” organized by Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 13th to 19th June 2019.
  • One week Training Programme On “NAAC for Quality and Excellence in Higher Education” conducted by, GCE, Bargur, from 24th to 28th June 2019.
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored One week Faculty Development Programme On “Recent Trends in Bio and Nano Composite Materials ” organized by Dept of Mechanical Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 01st to 07th July 2019.
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored One week Faculty Development Programme On “Solar Photovoltaic System Design and Applications ” organized by Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 10th to 16th July 2019.
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored Faculty Development Programme On “Wireless and Cyber Security” organized by Dept of Electronics and communication Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 05th to 09th Aug 2019
  • MHRD Sponsored TEQIP assisted Faculty Development Programme On “Training of Future Skills Technologies : Cyber Security” organized by Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Roorke , from 24th Feb to 06th Mar 2020.
  • Five Days national level On Line Faculty Development Programme On “Artificial intelligence ” organized by Dept of CSE,IT, Chaitanya Bharathi institute of technology Hydrebad in collaboration with Brain-o-vision India Pvt Ltd, from 22nd to 26th May 2
  • One week national level On Line Faculty Development Programme On “Analytics in Business & Research ” organized by Aditya institute of Management Studies & Research , Bangalore , held from 12th to 17th June 2020.
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored Seven Days On Line Faculty Development Programme On “content creation for e-class using video editing, animation and DTP tools” organized by Dept of Mechanical Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 27th July to 02nd Aug 2020
  • TEQIP-III Sponsored Five Days On Line Faculty Development Programme On “Strategies And Tools Effective On Line Teaching And Learning” organized by Dept of Computer Science and Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 04th to 08th Aug 2020.

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • TEQIP-III Sponsored Three days Student Training Programme on “Stress Management By Yoga” organized by Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering , GCE, Bargur, from 03rd to 05th September 2019

Awards / Special Achievements

  1. Delivered a lecture on “Application of Fuzzy Logic in IT Sectors” in Two Days Technical Seminar “Recent Trends of IT in Fuzzy Logics, Organized by the Department of information Technology in EGS Pillay  Engineering college Nagapattinam  from 13.06.2015 to 14.06 2015
  2. Delivered a lecture on “Electronics Application in Cloud Computing ” in Two Days Technical Seminar “Cloud Computing “, Organized by the Department of information Technology in EGS Pillay  Engineering college Nagapattinam  from 17.10.2015 to 18.10 2015.
  3. Delivered a lecture on “Applications of Machine Learning  “ in Two Days Technical Seminar “Machine Learning Technics in IT “, Organized by the Department of information Technology in EGS Pillay  Engineering college Nagapattinam  from 23.04 .2016 to 24. 04 2016.