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Assistant Professor (Temp)


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Computer Science and Engineering

Area of Specialization

Operating Systems, Data Structures

Publications - International

  • Purushothaman B, "A Novel Work for Improving Security and Challenges using Fuzzy Logic Approach in VANETS"  International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (ISSN: 2321-9653) Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2017.
  • Purushothaman B, “Clustering Ensembles using Evolutionary Algorithm”  International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (ISSN: 2321-9653) Volume 3 Issue 2, February 2015.
  • Purushothaman B, “Obtaining Efficient Sentence Clustering using Hierarchical Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm”  International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (ISSN: 2321-0613) Volume 2, Issue 12, February 2015.
  • Purushothaman B, “Clustering Performance in Sentence using Fuzzy Relational Clustering Algorithm” International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science (ISSN: 2348-7550) Volume 3, Special Issue 2, February 2015.

PAPER PRESENTED - International

  • 25.03.2017: Purushothaman B, "A Novel Algorithm for V2V and V2I Security by Fuzzy Logic Decision Making Process in VANETS" 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering ,Technology and Management ,Nandha Engineering College Erode.
  • 15.12.2014:Purushothaman B, “Sentence Level Text Clustering using Fuzzy Relational Clustering Algorithm” International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Electronics, Computing and Communication, RMK College of Engineering and Technology, Chennai.

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • 24 -06 -2020 to 26 -06 - 2020 : FDP on Unleash Your Research Potential by Adhiyaman College of Engineering, Hosur
  • 01-08-2019 to 07-08- 2019 : FDP on Recent Innovations and Research Trends in Nano Material and by Government College of Engineering, Bargur
  • 23-04-2020 : Online Certification : Elementary Data Structures by Saylor Academy
  • 26-04-2020 : Online Certification : Operating Systems by Saylor Academy

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • 29 -06 -2020 to 04 -07 - 2020: FDP on Digital Teaching Techniques by ICT Academy
  • 15.06.20 to 20.06.2020:  FDP on Digital Marketing  by ICT Academy
  • 06-04-2020 to 24-04- 2020: FDP on Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process (TEQIP-III) by IIT, Bombay
  • 04.03.17 to 05.03.17: TEQIP-II Sponsored FDP on "Time and Stress Management" Organized By Dept. of CSE, GCE, Bargur.

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • 18.07.2020: Organized TEQIP-III Sponsored Students' Webinar on " Employability Skills"

Faculty Profile in PDF

Purushothaman Faculty Profile.pdf (176.08 KB)