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Assistant Professor (CAS)


Contact No



Computer Science and Engineering

Area of Specialization

Computer Networks, Mobile Adhoc Networks, Cyber Security

Teaching Experience

14 Years

Publications - International

  • “Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network based Mobility Prediction in MANET”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 8, No 3, Page No. 302-307,2019 (DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v8i3.29112)
  • “Node Mobility Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Network for Reduced Energy Consumption”, Volume-10, Issue-1, January 2020, Journal of Green Engineering.
  • “Mobility Prediction in Wireless Adhoc Network Using Adaboost-markov Model”, Volume 11, Issue 9, November 2020, pp. 61-69 (DOI: 10.34218/IJEET.11.9.2020.007)

PAPER PRESENTED - International

  • “KALMAN Filter based Mobility Prediction in MANET”, International Conference on “ADVANCES IN COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY” Department of Computer Science and Engineering, FEAT, Annamalai University from 24.09.019 to 25.09.2019

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • Quality Improvement Programme on “NAAC FOR QUALITY AND EXCELLENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION” organized by Government College of Engineering, Bargur from 24.06.2019 to 28.06.2019
  • STP On “TEAM WORK AND POSITIVE CULTURE” organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Bargur on 01.08.2019
  • FDP on “WIRELESS AND CYBER SECURITY” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Bargur from 05.08.2019 to 09.08.2019
  • FDP on "Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process (DTITLP)" Organised by NPIU, and conducted by IIT Bombay on SWAYAM" from 16/03/2020 to 30/03/2020
  • Two day Online Virtual FDP on “Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform” Organised by DOTE, SPIU - Tamil Nadu & CIT, Coimbatore - 14 on 23 & 24 April, 2020
  • AICTE-ISTE Sponsored 1 Week FDP on “Internet of Things (IoT) and its Applications” Organised by Dept. of CSE, FEAT, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar from 16/11/2020 to 22/11/2020
  • 3 Days Professional Development Training Organised by IIM, Trichy from 20.01.2020 to 22.02.2020
  • Industrial Training for Faculty on “ Communication and Networking Technologies” Organised by RGMTTC, BSNL, Tamilnadu from 14/07/2020 to 03/08/2020

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • TEQIP III sponsored 5 days online FDP on “Strategies and Tools for Effective Online Teaching and Learning” Organised by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Government College of Engineering, Bargur from 04.08.2020 to 08.08.2020