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A. Jesu Steephan Samy


M.A., M.Phil,


Assistant Professor and Head of the Department


Contact No




Area of Specialization

English, African Literature

Teaching Experience

19 Years

Research Experience

Doing Ph.D

Publications - National

  • The portrayal of Women characters in the Novels of Ngugi Wa Thiongo - Journal of Gujarat Research Society- Nov. 2019 Vol.21; Issue 10
  • Implications of Unethical Modern realities in Nugugi Wa Thiongo's Weep Not Child - Journal of the Gujarat Research Society Nov. 2019 Vol.21; Issue 10

PAPER PRESENTED - International

  • Presented a paper on Women Characters in Ngugi Wa Thiongo's Novels in the International Conference, Conducted By VHNSN College, Virudhunagar on 15th February 2019

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • Attended an International Faculty Development Programme from 22nd May to 28th May 2020 on "Contemporary ICT to facilitate constructivist Learning of Digital Natives" conducted by Auxilium College, Vellore and Nizwa College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman
  • Attended an Orientation Programme from June - 26 - July 24. conducted by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, MHRD and Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
  • Attended TEQIP -III- Webinar on 25th July 2020 on the topic "Protecting Research Inventions Through Intellectual Property Rights" by Government College of Engineering
  • Attended ELTAI - Webinar on 26th July 2020, on the topic of "The Art and Craft of the Short Story".
  • Attended TEQIP - III Webinar on 27th July 2020, on the topic of "Content Creation for e-class using video editing, animation and DTP tools" by Government College of Engineering, Bargur.
  • Attended ELTAI- Webinar on 9th August 2020, on the topic "Multiple Techniques for Learning English as a Second Language".

Seminars/ Workshops/ Fdp/ Sttp / Conferences/ Symposium

  • TEQIP - III Sponsored a Two day Workshop on "Effective Communications in English" conducted by Department of English., Government College of Engineering, Bargur from 27th to 28th April 2019